Every pet, every person, every time.

Here, we believe that great veterinary medicine starts with kindness and individualized attention. It is fueled by passion, and never settles for less than excellence. And you’ll get our best, every time.

Every Time

My husband and myself had the best experience with Dr. Manos and her staff. Our sweet kitty, Heidi, had reached the end of her life and Dr. Manos could not have been more compassionate. We strongly recommend this practice for your fur babies.

The best team ever! Nobody cares more about your pets.


Their staff and vets are knowledgeable and kind. When our dog Nobu was ill with congestive heart failure, the medication he was prescribed gave him a new lease on life and we were able to have fourteen more months of his loving companionship. When he grew more ill and no longer wanted to eat or take his medications we received the compassionate advice and care we needed to let him pass on from this life in dignity. The kindness and concern we received from everyone at the clinic helped us deal with this difficult decision. They made his gentle passing bearable for my husband and me. Words are inadequate to express how grateful I am for their expertice and compassion.


Every Time

My husband and myself had the best experience with Dr. Manos and her staff. Our sweet kitty, Heidi, had reached the end of her life and Dr. Manos could not have been more compassionate. We strongly recommend this practice for your fur babies.

The best team ever! Nobody cares more about your pets.


Their staff and vets are knowledgeable and kind. When our dog Nobu was ill with congestive heart failure, the medication he was prescribed gave him a new lease on life and we were able to have fourteen more months of his loving companionship. When he grew more ill and no longer wanted to eat or take his medications we received the compassionate advice and care we needed to let him pass on from this life in dignity. The kindness and concern we received from everyone at the clinic helped us deal with this difficult decision. They made his gentle passing bearable for my husband and me. Words are inadequate to express how grateful I am for their expertice and compassion.
